What are your thoughts about your past, present and future?
Your beliefs and thoughts about time have a tremendous impact on the direction of your lives. If a person believes they will never achieve the future they dream of, then they will most likely live in such a way that confirms that thought and never go after their dreams. If a person believes that they will never change because of past mistakes, then they will be open to all the new possibilities that exist for change.
Here is the exciting truth for all of us: You have the power to control your thoughts about your past, present and future. Initially you might not agree with this last statement. I would encourage you to experiment with the idea of controlling and choosing your thoughts. It is not easy to break the default thinking habits of our mind. This requires a lot of attention, awareness and accountability, but I am confident that you can do this. You could experiment by changing some of your default thoughts with the thoughts listed below.
Past Thoughts
- I will not allow my past to determine my satisfaction with the present and future.
- I will work on understanding my past, as long as I filter the lies and believe only the truth.
- I will learn great lessons from my past and take responsibility to develop new beliefs and ideas that make my present and future great.
- I will change my interpretation about my past, if it does not support a better present or future.
- I will write a new story about the past, if it is not in alignment with the truth of my identity.
Present Thoughts
- I will find something to be grateful for in this present moment.
- I will constantly remind myself that the only moment I have is the present moment.
- I will remind myself that the past is past and I am in the present moment.
- I will remember that my power to change, grow, transform and be phenomenal exists in the present moment, not in the past or the future.
- I will remember to take deep breathes to anchor me in the present moment.
Future Thoughts
- I will not allow negative experiences from the past to determine my future success.
- I will allow the positive experiences of the past to help guide my future.
- I create an amazing future by living great in this present moment.
- I will remember that the future is created by my choices and decisions in this present moment.
- I will not allow my thoughts to run anxiously into the future.
In a future post we may fill in more of the assumptions behind each statement. As always these thoughts are never the end of the conversation, only the beginning, so please share your ideas and experiences with us. You could be a catalyst in helping us grow in new ways.