What does your best life look like? Hopefully when you think about this question you feel excited about the possibilities that will come from living your best life. You may be experiencing these possibilities now or you may be desiring to experience them in the future. In either case, you should know that your future has so much more potential than your past, even if your past has been great. Now you may be saying to yourself, “No way! If you knew my past, you would know that success is not in my future.” You are right that I don’t know your past, however, I do know that it is possible for you to limit the power of your past experiences and create a better future for yourself. The voice of a discouraging person in your past can still sound very loud years laster. Their words can have the power to immobilize you and limit your growth. But your past doesn’t have to control you.
One of the best things you can do to ensure you live your best life and create a better future is to change the thoughts and mindsets that guide your life. The thoughts you are thinking right now are largely determined by your beliefs and mindsets about yourself and the world. Learning to have truthful beliefs and healthy thoughts about yourself is the first step towards making sure you are growing and creating a better future for your life. Your past experiences have shaped the ideas and beliefs you have about yourself, others and the way the world works.
Here are some questions to think about as you begin this process.
- Are the beliefs I have helping me live a great life full of purpose?
- What beliefs are limiting my growth?
- How do I get rid of the limiting beliefs?
- What beliefs empower and energize me?
- How do I integrate these positive beliefs into my thinking?
You can create a life you are passionate about living.